Stories from around the Camphill international community

How A Unique Gap Year Experience Started Feeling Like Home
May 01st, 2022
Three Camphill Volunteers' Stories of a Camphill Welcome and Settling Into Lifesharing Lifesharing is a unique, beautiful, and meaningful way of living in community, and it is at the core of how Camphill operates. Before joining the Camphill community, though, not many people have heard of lifesharing, and it can…

From Camphill to Medical School: Nicolo Betoni’s Gap Year
March 24th, 2022
A Gap Year at Camphill Helped Nicolo Stand Out to Interviewers Just a year ago, Camphill alum Nicolo Betoni was interviewing for medical school from a house beside Camphill Village Minnesota’s chicken coop. Today, he’s nearing the end of his first year at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) where…